Outdoor Events: Food for Thought When Creating Yours

Outside activities peaks in summer. The promise of outside activities consisting of picnics, festivals, and physical activities are both beneficial to mind and body. The smell of grilled food, sweat flowing through your body while releasing the stress accumulated from vigorous work, laughter, and the good memories created during those activities are just some of the nicest things we get from an outdoor activities. It also amplifies our creativity as well as boosting our physical and emotional well-being. A/R prepared some tips and reminders when going on an outdoor activity to keep your event safe, enjoyable and hassle free.

First, ensure that the venue is weather-ready.

          A weather-ready venue must be considered so that the event will push through otherwise your whole plan for the day will be ruined.

Pre-Event Survey

This will be of great help in terms of food, activities and entertainment that you can plot in your plan.

Food and Beverages

          Participants’ food and beverages preference must be considered. Always prepare foods in variety to ensure that all will be satisfied. A heavy breakfast is always a must to prepare for a long, creative and fun day. You can also deploy a local food truck for snacks or desserts.

          If possible, eat in one table or picnic style to encourage conversation amongst the attendees. Don’t forget to clean up after every meal.

Physical Activities

          List down activities and select the most engaging yet not so dangerous activity or activities. Start slow and end with a blast. You can start an Ice Breaker followed by Charades and end with a Treasure Hunt. You can also consider famous social media challenges as part of your activity.

Relax and Chill

          After a long, tiring and fun day, a mini concert, drinks and laughter is the best way to end the day.

Note: Observe health and safety protocols.  

If you would like more information on planning outdoor events please comment below/ click to fill in the form using the bottom right icon or email us at contact@averillrussell.com

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