Complete Lead-Generating Checklist to Advertise an Engineering or Manufacturing Company on Meta (Facebook)

We know engineers are big on LinkedIn and love the idea of professional networking, but did you know that you can get a faster lead-generating system through Meta (Facebook) at a much lower budget? 

If you’re persistent in generating more leads and focusing your effort on LinkedIn, I suggest you get off this post and read this article instead on ‘Top-Notch Ways To Generate Leads on LinkedIn As An Engineer and Technical Professional’.

As we all know, it’s important to target the right audience and it’s even more important to NOT lose the chance of hooking your audience when the opportunity occurs. 

Paid advertising is now highly saturated, although perhaps not YET overly saturated. But the truth is that your competitors are trying every way possible to get in front of potential customers, and it’s all about timing. The race of ‘first come, first served.’

Before jumping to the lead-generating practical checklist you’ve come for today, remember these priorities in order when creating your attractive winning copy, graphic, or videos.

  1. Offer
  2. Outcome
  3. Benefits
  4. Pain Points

The offer will always be king and the outcome, a queen. Remember that your potential customers are looking for a lifestyle. Something that will make either their life easier or their service/products better. One way or another, the third point comes to play, and that’s the BENEFITS.

Lastly, after you’ve caught their attention, remember that by jabbing and hitting the right pain point, you’ll be able to get them down your nurturing and converting funnel. 

Paid Advertising Checklist For New Lead Generation

To make your life easier, simply copy and paste the list below to your personal SOP, and get these checked out to get the best result for your growing engineering or manufacturing company. 

  1. Make sure your page is active and has all the necessary information about your company before creating an advertisement. 
  2. Create an ad account by going to the Meta/Facebook Ads Manager.
  3. Go to Account Quality to check any account issues if existing and/or add a payment method and confirm page connection to your company’s Facebook page. 
  4. Open your Ads Manager and create your first campaign. 
  5. Choose ‘Lead Generation’ objective.
  6. Name your ad set according to the offer you’re providing and the number of attempts. For example: (Tech Expo | 1) 
  7. Create a new ad set and name it based on the target audience (Interest, list, a lookalike audience, website visitor, etc.)
  8. Select the associated business page.
  9. Schedule your campaign (when you’d like the ad to start, if you don’t have a preferred schedule, just leave be)
  10. Select ‘People living in this area’ and choose the country you wish to target (For example: Australia) or choose a more narrow location. (For example: Sydney.)
  11. Turn on dynamic creative. 
  12. Select Manual Placement: Choose Facebook Feed only. We personally prevent showing up on reels or stories unless the dimension of the picture/video is a fit for a portrait. If it’s a 1080x1080px, just focus on feed. 
  13. Add your image/videos (up to 10) 
  14. Add your primary copy (up to 5)
  15. Add your headline (up to 5)
  16. Add your description (1)
  17. Add your display link (your website link)
  18. Create a form 
    1. More volume
    2. Settings: Open (so people can share the form)
    3. Include the privacy policy link 
    4. Add a Call-To-Action at the end of the form and don’t lose them. Add additional value and drive them to your website or to watch a video so they receive upfront value from you. Perhaps even a calendar link directly for them to book a complimentary consultation or demo. 
  19. If you have a pixel set up for your CRM or website, check the box.
  20. Duplicate your ad sets if you wish to test out different audiences. We recommend trying:
    1. Interest
    2. List retargeting (for middle funnel)
    3. List lookalike (based on your mailing list)
    4. Create different list lookalike percentages to generate new leads

Dynamic Creative and Copy

The copy and image/videos you have is the most important part of advertising. 

With Facebook’s dynamic creative feature, you don’t have to stress out about wasting too much budget split testing everything. However, you can try split-testing different audiences to see which market segment is less saturated. 

If you have a growing brand with a strong and reputable portfolio, consider making a VSL (Video Sales Letter) to build a relationship with your audience and gain recognition for the person behind the brand. Explain the offers, outcomes, benefits, and pain points you can fix for your customer in less than 2 minutes of video with all the good stuff in the first 30 seconds of the video. 

Don’t bluff, but don’t undervalue your offer either! Humans have a sense of sincerity and they can sense it in you too. Believe in your own offer before persuading others to do so. 

In fact, when you’re confident with your offer, you won’t even have to persuade anyone. Marketing is not about selling. A good marketing strategy allows you to STOP selling and start educating. 

AR & Associates have helped IT, Engineering, Automation, Manufacturing, and Energy companies all across Australia to generate leads, increase brand awareness, maintain reputable PR, as well as increase sales.

We focus on helping you spend less time in marketing, and more time serving your customers. Leave the matter to the respective experts. As engineers ourselves, we understand the core values and importance of marketing through trust and reliability. 

We provide a full tailor-made solution that helps you build your company to the next level through digital and on-site marketing. With expertise in organic omnichannel marketing and on-site event or workshop planning, we offer a full turn-key marketing solution that gives you time, space, and freedom to focus on what you do best, which is to run your business. 

Email us here or call us today at (+61) 02 8416 4442 to get more information or book a complimentary marketing consultation or strategy session below.

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