13 things of 2023 on Australia’s Tech, Automation, Smart Building, and Manufacturing Landscape and What To Expect in 2024

  1. Sustainability is number 1 priority – in all possible business aspect.
  2. AI, machine learning, and automation is the biggest return of investment source.
  3. The next big thing in renewable energy? Hydrogen.
  4. Water management solution is the fastest way of response to climate aid.
  5. Modular construction and prefab is the quickest and most cost-effective way to go.
  6. Smart buildings with IoT and smart tech is not only cool, but also affordable now.
  7. Smart housing is rising in demand – this opens up tons of opportunities for design, smart building, automation, and creative companies.
  8. Green building certification is key – focus on obtaining LEED or Green Star to meet sustainability goals.
  9. Research shows severe disruption through the pandemic is driving enterprises to make their supply chains more resilient, collaborative and networked.
  10. Post-pandemic, reshoring initiatives are finally done and many efforts are finally bringing manufacturing back to Australia to reduce dependency on overseas production.
  11. 3D printing and robotics is crucial to enhance productivity in manufacturing.
  12. Focusing on upskilling the workforce to meet advanced manufacturing techniques are better solution than replacing the workforce.
  13. Digitalisation will not be dying anytime soon, get on it – but make sure to have a failsafe process, even if it’s old fashioned.

Why It Matters And What To Expect

  1. Sustainability Priority

Engineers will increasingly focus on designing solutions that minimise environmental impact, using eco-friendly materials, and implementing efficient energy systems. This shift matters as regulations tighten and consumers demand greener practices. In 2024, expect heightened innovation in sustainable materials and energy-efficient systems, leading to more stringent compliance measures.

2. AI, ML, and Automation

These technologies are becoming pivotal in optimising processes, predictive maintenance, and resource management. The trajectory in 2024 involves deeper integration of AI and ML algorithms to create autonomous systems, predictive analytics for efficiency improvements, and increased use of robotics in manufacturing and construction sectors.

3. Hydrogen as Next Energy

Engineers will delve into hydrogen production, storage, and utilisation technologies. 2024 may see advancements in hydrogen fuel cells, production methods (like electrolysis), and infrastructure development for widespread adoption.

4. Water Management

Technical experts will focus on innovative water conservation technologies, IoT-based monitoring systems, and decentralised water treatment solutions. In 2024, expect more sophisticated AI-driven models for water management, aiding in climate adaptation strategies and infrastructure planning.

5. Modular Construction

Engineers will refine modular designs and construction methods, employing advanced simulations and digital twins for precision. 2024 might witness wider adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for seamless integration and faster construction processes.

6. Smart Buildings and IoT

Tech pros design IoT-enabled systems for smart buildings, integrating sensors for real-time data analysis and energy optimisation. 2024 will likely bring about further advancements in edge computing for IoT applications in buildings and infrastructure for the remaining 40% companies that have not got on the smart building advancements.

7. Smart Housing Demand

Engineers and technologists will explore innovative designs and cost-effective construction methods using advanced materials and automation. 2024 may see the convergence of 3D printing with traditional construction, enabling rapid and customisable housing solutions.

8. Green Building Certifications

Technical experts will focus on meeting stringent green certifications, leveraging AI for sustainable design optimisation. In 2024, the trajectory involves AI-powered simulations for energy performance, material selection, and life cycle assessment to achieve higher green ratings.

9. Resilient Supply Chains

Engineers will employ advanced analytics, blockchain, and IoT for resilient and adaptive supply chains. In 2024, expect further integration of AI in predictive supply chain models, emphasising risk mitigation and real-time adaptability.

10. Reshoring Initiatives

Technical professionals will work on reviving local manufacturing, optimising processes with automation and robotics. In 2024, expect investments in advanced manufacturing technologies and government incentives to bolster local production capabilities.

The Australian government had allocated funds to support reshoring initiatives. For instance, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, initiatives were introduced, such as the Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI), providing financial support for projects across six national manufacturing priority areas, aiming to drive job creation and economic growth.

11. Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Engineers will optimise 3D printing for complex parts and robotics for precision assembly. In 2024, developments may include AI-driven quality control in manufacturing and further automation of assembly lines. Some top advanced manufacturing technologies include:

  • Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing): Advancements in 3D printing technologies will focus on printing larger and more complex parts with improved precision and speed. Innovations may include multi-material printing, higher resolution capabilities, and printing with advanced materials like metals and ceramics for various industries such as aerospace, automotive, and healthcare.
  • Advanced Robotics and Automation: Robotics in manufacturing will continue to evolve, with advancements in collaborative robots (cobots) designed to work alongside humans more safely and efficiently. Improved sensory capabilities, AI-driven decision-making, and enhanced dexterity will enable robots to perform intricate tasks in assembly, handling, and quality control.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Quality Control: AI-driven quality control systems will gain prominence, leveraging machine learning algorithms to analyse vast amounts of manufacturing data in real-time. This technology can detect defects, optimise processes, predict maintenance needs, and ensure product quality with higher accuracy and speed.
  • Digital Twin Technology: Digital twins—virtual replicas of physical assets or systems—will see expanded use in manufacturing. These digital replicas enable real-time monitoring, simulation, and analysis of production processes, allowing engineers to optimise workflows, predict performance, and troubleshoot issues before they occur.
  • Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology: Development and utilisation of advanced materials and nanotechnology will continue to drive innovation in manufacturing. This includes the creation of lighter, stronger, and more durable materials with unique properties for various applications, from aerospace components to biomedical devices.

These advanced manufacturing technologies represent a convergence of innovation, combining robotics, AI, materials science, and digitalisation to enhance efficiency, precision, and capabilities in modern manufacturing processes. Their further advancement and integration are expected to revolutionise industrial practices and offer substantial benefits in terms of productivity, quality, and customisation of products.

12. Workforce Upskilling

Technical experts will focus on training programs for upskilling the workforce in digitalisation, robotics, and AI. In 2024, expect immersive training methods leveraging AR/VR and AI-driven personalised learning to bridge skill gaps.

13. Digitalisation with Fail-Safes

Technical experts will emphasise secure and robust digital systems, combining modern tech with fail-safe mechanisms. In 2024, the trajectory involves more stringent cybersecurity protocols, resilient network architectures, and hybrid systems that merge digital advancements with reliable traditional mechanisms.

In 2024, engineers and technical professionals will continue to be at the forefront of innovation, leveraging technology to create sustainable, efficient, and resilient systems across these industries. Collaboration, interdisciplinary approaches, and a keen focus on marrying technological advancements with practical and fail-safe solutions will be the hallmark for success in this evolving landscape.

AR and Associates: Where Expertise Meets Vision

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