Do we really have to market our specialization or just let our word do the job and solely rely to our satisfied clients spreading the great work we have done.
Marketing contributes a lot in a success of a company in any field. Yes, engineers’ masterpieces can do some of marketing job but you cannot just rely on that. It needs a little help broaden our target audiences.
To be relevant, you need to adapt. To be successful, you need to put a lot of hard work and gather all the recipe that will help you get your goal. And admit it, marketing is one of the vital recipe in success.

There are a lot of ways to market your product or specialties. Be it traditional, modern or hybrid of old and new strategy. Brainstorming will surely help. Think of the things that worked on competitors, things that work on general public and eliminating those things that flops and gaining no audiences.
Your style should not be that technical for general public will not be interested in words or terms that do not totally understand. Remember, you wanted to reach audiences outside the engineering industry for there might be a potential customer or client.
Don’t under estimate the power of influencers. You may be surprised that some of them have more followers than a celebrity. You can have a collaboration with them because I’m pretty sure, you can use that in your advantage.
Being successful is definitely a long shot goal but with the right mindset combined with all the vital recipe and skills, you will surely get there before you even know it.